【VMware Cloud Director】プロバイダーユーザーによるテナント情報の取得(API)


その際、ヘッダーにて”X-Vmware-Vcloud-Tenant-Context: {ORG_ID}”を指定すると、該当組織のテナント環境情報が取得できる。



# curl -k --header "Accept: application/*;version=37.0" --header "Authorization: Bearer xxx" --request GET

         "name":"Defer to Identity Provider",
         "description":"Rights will be determined based on information received from IDP",
         "name":"clone:System Administrator",
         "description":"Built-in rights for administering this installation",
         "name":"System Administrator",
         "description":"Built-in rights for administering this installation",


# curl -k --header "X-Vmware-Vcloud-Tenant-Context: 6ccb9c49-55f4-4591-83c3-c63b1e295287" --header"Accept: application/*;version=37.0" --header "Authorization: Bearer xxx" --request GET

         "name":"Organization Administrator",
         "description":"Built-in rights for administering an organization",
         "name":"Catalog Author",
         "description":"Rights given to a user who creates and publishes new catalogs",
         "name":"vApp Author",
         "description":"Rights given to a user who uses catalogs and creates vApps",
         "name":"vApp User",
         "description":"Rights given to a user who uses vApps created by others",
         "name":"Console Access Only",
         "description":"Rights given to a user who can only view virtual machine state and properties and use the guest OS",
         "name":"Defer to Identity Provider",
         "description":"Rights will be determined based on information received from IDP",
         "name":"clone:Organization Administrator",
         "description":"Built-in rights for administering an organization",


# curl -k --header "Accept: application/*;version=37.0" --header "Authorization: Bearer xxx" --request GET

    <Org href="" type="application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.org+xml" name="ORG01"/>